Eagle 8.6 First Impressions
As long as I've been designing PCBs I've always used Eagle Cad. I was first introduced to it in school where the first thing I designed...
I'm switching compilers!
Years ago when I started learning how to program Pic microcontrollers I started programming using a compiler called Hitech C which was...
Things are busy! More content to come....
So lately Ive had a lot on the go. Ive just finished a relay controller for someone which Ive been meaning to detail on the projects...
Tour of my Home office
Everyone has their own space where they can be their most creative at home. For some its a spot in their house where they paint, a work...
Watch out for cheap car phone chargers
I decided to buy a 5 volt phone charger for my car to fit in the cigarette lighter. Before plugging my phone in I wanted to make sure it...
Remote Lighting
So many years ago I bought a RC-029 remote control power hub which I used to control some AC lights in my old bachelor apartment I used...
Organizing surface mount resistors
Thought I'd just do a quick post to show how I organize my surface mount resistors and surface mount capacitors. Over the years I've...
LM2596 switching regulator board
So most of the projects I have designed recently have all been powered using a wall adaptor or some sort of outlet. Since that was the...
Alternate use for cheap USB current meter
I recently purchased a cheap usb current meter off ebay for a couple dollars from china to measure the quality of all my phone chargers I...