Matt Reid
Electronics Design Specialist

Hi. I'm Matt Reid. Ever since I was a kid, I’ve always loved building and designing things with electronics. I remember all the hours I’ve spent in front of my Elenco 200 in 1 electronics kit fiddling with the existing designs and making my own. When I was around 12 years old, with the help of my Dad, I learned how to solder by putting together “The Handy Board”, a 6811-based microcontroller system that lets you build mobile robots. This was my first experience with embedded programming and I loved it. It wasn’t until I was older until I realized I could actually do this for a living.
Currently I am employed as a Instrumentation Specialist at Pratt and Whitney Canada and have working here for about 5 years and I love it. A lot of the work I do involves PCB prototyping, Labview development, and microcontroller programming however the job and my responsibilities have evolved over the years so that has kept it interesting to me.
In my spare time, I like to build projects that I wouldn’t normally get to build at work. Though often, I've learned things through doing projects at home that could be easily transferable to any projects or designs at work. Lately I’ve been working quite a lot with FPGAs and Matlab. Since I’m also a musician, I especially enjoy projects that fuse my two passions; music, and electronics.
Over the years, I've had to refer to previous projects or previous designs to use in new ones. However, I never bothered to record anything or my reasoning behind some of my designs. The purpose of this site is to give me a reason to record some of the things I've worked on and to share what I've learned with the hopes that it could help anyone else out working on similar ideas.